Senin, 18 Januari 2010

Beauty in the Eye…

You might be familiar with the proverb, “Beauty is in the eye of beholder” and think that this article might talk about it. But, i don’t. I just want to share an issue about one of our face part that has a big affect in our beauty: eyelash. I believe that I have big and beautiful eyes (it’s not a narcism). But really, if you believe you have a beautiful part on your body and soul, be graceful to say it! Well, Right about now, I want to discuss about eyelashes. We can use mascara on it, extend it, or make it thicker. One thing to think before does everything to your only two eyelashes: make it better, not destroyed. Sometimes, if we did too much to it either wears expired mascara until wrong eyelashes extension will make you ended with fall out eyelashes. That seems not good to your eyes performance or even your all look.

I don’t assume you to do nothing to your pretty eyelashes. You should love it and make it better. Here some solutions that will beautify what you already had:
1. Don’t do extension or everything that related with chemical mixture. If you really want to do it, don’t forget to do research before and do an extra care to it after.
2. After wears a mascara, make sure you cleanse it thoroughly and softly.
3. If you a mascara-person, these tips might help: wears mascara from the root of your eyelashes and apply it up direction.
4. Don’t wear eyelash curler too much or when it’s dirty. It will make your eyelash busted.

Happy eyelash-ing!:)

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